Monday, September 30, 2019

Outline How Material Things on City Road Favour the Activities

Material things on city road favour the activities of some groups of people over others. I have outlined three specific things on city road that I will be talking about and the different groups of people if favours over others. Firstly there is the Auto trader newsagents, it first opened its doors in the 1930's and has been a family run business since then, and there is the Taste buds cafe, which is the longest established cafe. Also the Macintosh centre.The Auto trader newsagents first opened its doors in the 1930's it is a family run business and the present owner has been working there since 1965, and before that his father ran the newsagents. The shop will favour people shopping for general every day items, also people from the local area who know its there and wanting to keep small local businesses alive. It wouldn't favour people who were on low incomes as there is a Tesco that has opened just 2 blocks away. This has not helped the business of the newsagents and has lowered the sales. 5 years ago a Spar shop opened up close to the Auto trader but that didn't make much difference to the shop. There are not many children in this area and those who do shop here don't seem to use traditional toys. (the street, 2009, scene 3 ) The ethnic minority would not be favoured with this local shop as it wouldn't sell the specific food groups that they may be looking for, also families and students who would be looking for cheaper alternative to local products.The Taste buds cafe is the longest established cafe on City road, they cater for lots of different tastes so will favour people from all different backgrounds. They specially cater for old people, they do this by keeping their prices low and creating a safe environment and providing a community centre. Making and repairing a society through creating a scene of community. (the street, 2009, scene 3 ) This would also favour families with and people in a lower income, but wouldn't favour people without a disposable i ncome as its not a nessisty.They serve Spanish, Greek, English curry's and mousaka. So this would favour people who would want to try different food groups. It favours old people who go their for the community feel, the feeling if safety and security, the elderly like come in to meet up with their friends and talk to the staff who make them feel welcome. There is also the Macintosh centre on city road, which is a locally run sports centre, it was a family home for the Richards hen the Makintoshes and was farm land before being developed into a sports centre. It is the bringing people from outside the area into City road but its making the locals feel unwelcome with its expensive look. So its not favouring the locals with the expensive look of the building outside so its creating a divide between the locals and the outside world. So from that it will favour families and children on a higher income. But wouldn't favour people of a lower income, students and people from the local area. The Macintosh centre are trying to change this perception with local advertising. On a Saturday this all changes as the mackintosh centre changes into a local farmers market, this favours locals, students and families. It also favours people looking to keep things local, fresh and additive free. I moved here a few months ago to begin my studies at Cardiff, for me it offers a way of life I want to support. ( the street, 2009, scene 7)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Business issues and the context of HR Essay

The organisation is the background within which the HR function works. Understanding the deep nature of the organisation has to be the main goal for HRM as the nature of the organisation has a huge impact on how people are managed in the business. The organisation is defined as the planned coordination of the activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common, explicit purpose or goal, through division of labour and function, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility (Schein, 1980). Historically, there have been many definitions of organisations, depending on whether they focus on: †¢Their size: SMEs, Large and Public Sector. (Curran and Stanworth, 1988); †¢Their prime beneficiaries: members, shareholders, users, the public. (Blau and Scott ,1962 – Maltby, 2003); †¢The degree to which they are mechanistic (highly structured organisation with centralised policies, rigid hierarchical ranks, a strong emphasis on administration and clear boundaries between departments) or organic (a flattened structure, colleague, rather than command and control relationships as the predominant mode, short lived and flexible administrative systems and mobile departmental boundaries (Burns and Stalker ,1966); †¢Their structure meant as the relationships between employees at vertical and horizontal level (tall or flat/lean, hierarchical, matrix, flexible, virtual) (Leatherbarrow et al., 2010). Thinking about a mixed economy such as UK, organisations can be classified in: †¢Public organizations, generally providing essential services such as health, education, social services, policing. They are responsible to central government and those who run them are accountable to the public (Taylor and Wilkinson, 2012). The nature of their funding (taxpayers) requires them to prove their responsibility with the public money. Their HR department tend to be large and able to provide HR specialist support in different areas. Because of the accountability to the public, HR tend also to be bureaucratic and inflexible. †¢Private organizations are those owned  by private individuals/families/stakeholders (Taylor and Wilkinson, 2012). These are industrial and commercial companies that respond to the demands of the market and exist to make a profit for their shareholders. In the private sector, HR tend to be a small department with more room for innovative strategies. †¢Third sector organizations are understood to be non government and non profit. Non distribution of profits to shareholders is a defining feature, as is a degree of volunteerism. They tend to fill in the gaps in areas of state and market deficiencies, and are nowadays growing in global significance (Crampton et al, 2001). They are typically a mix of government funding, gifts, grants and earned income. Examples of third sector activities are found in international aid, culture, recreation, social services, education, religion and health. Staff is frequently very mission-focused and gains a lot of job satisfaction by just being committed to the cause. Large organisations in the third sector are likely to have specific HR departments while smaller organisations are unlikely to have specific HR departments and HR functions may be ‘tagged’ on to the role of managers or staff more generally (Venter and Sung, 2009) The nature of organisations and the style used to manage the people in it are strictly related, as the management style highly depends on the particular business. However, as seen for the definition of organisation, the definition of management and its classification have long been debated. At the beginning of 19th century the most important of the classical Management theories was the scientific approach or Taylorism which involved breaking down the components of manual tasks in manufacturing environments, timing each movement so that there could be a scientifically proven â€Å"best† way to perform each task. Employees could be trained to be ‘first class’ within their job by their managers. In the 60’s, there was a new approach focused on the â€Å"human factor†. In â€Å"The Human Side of Enterprise† by McGregor, he distinguished between: †¢Theory X, that adopts the authoritarian view that people normally abhor working and must be forced to work with punishment for failing to meet the objective. These people actually prefer to be directed and lack ambition. †¢Theory Y,  adopts the participative management style, which operates on the idea that people are inherently motivated to work if they find the job fulfilling The System Theories focused attention on organizations as ‘systems’ and on the complexity and interdependence of relationships of their inter-related sub-systems. This approach attempted to synthesize the classical approaches (organizations without people) with the later human relations approaches that focused on the psychological and social aspects (‘people without organizations). The Contingency theory, developed in 1950s, argues that there is no ‘one best way’ to structure an organization and we face different possibilities when determining how it should be structured and how it should be managed. Successful organizations adopt structures that are an appropriate response to a number of variables, or contingencies (Enoch, 2006). Practically speaking, management is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. There are several different resource types within management, such as: Human, Financial, Technological and Natural resources. HRM BACKGROUND AND ROLE OF HR HR is part of the overall management of an organization, but again, providing a conclusive definition of contemporary HRM is quite challenging. â€Å"There is no generally agreed framework for understanding and analysing the HR function; there are only competing models. In practice, the HR function within organisations is infinitely flexible, organisationally contingent over time and driven principally by the external contexts of the age; and these often change within short periods of time†. (Farnham, 2010, pg 4). During the years, we assisted to an evolution from what have been traditionally labelled as ‘personnel management’ to a distinctive HRM. The HRM was characterised by a different philosophy and approach to the management of ‘people at work’ (Storey, 1989) and was putting an emphasis on  performance, workers’ commitment, and rewards, based on individual or team contribution. Figure 1: From Personnel Management to HRM: a Summary (Farnham, 2010, pg. 7) The two main developments in the HRM have been the continued delegation of some HR activities to line managers and the outsourcing of large areas of the traditional personnel management. These changes have had particular consequences in the HRM and HR roles, increasing the need of highly specialised HR, technical experts who act as consultants either internally or externally. On the other side, these developments required more investment in training for Line Managers (also coaching) in order for them to be able to face HR issues and communicate with HR specialists. Changes in HRM have led to change in the structure of HR especially in large organisations in both private and public sector. It has been noticed that many organisations adopted the Ulrich’ ‘s ‘Multi-legged model’ (Ulrich, 1997) of HR structures in which HR functions become more focused on outcomes, rather than processes, more specialised and divided in Strategic partners, Expert, Champion for employees and Agent of continuous transformation. (details in appendix 1) This model has been reviewed by Ulrich in the ‘Three – legged model’ with HR divided in: †¢HR business partners (or strategic partners) – senior or key HR professionals working closely with business leaders or line managers, usually embedded in the business unit, influencing and steering strategy and strategy implementation; †¢Centres of excellence –small teams of HR experts with specialist knowledge of leading-edge HR solutions. The role of centres of excellence is to deliver competitive business advantages through HR innovations in areas such as reward, learning, engagement and talent management. †¢Shared services – a single, often relatively large unit, which handles all the routine ‘transactional’ services across the business such as recruitment administration, payroll, absence monitoring and advice on simpler employee relations issues. The responsibility of shared services is to provide low-cost, effective HR administration. (Ulrich and Brockbank, 2005) Behind the division in the HR roles, experts recognise organisations’ request for an HR more involved in the business and able to contribute to the business strategy with a tangible and cost effective results. In the CIPD’s 2001 ‘Next Generation HR: Insight driven’, it is explained that where the ‘Three-legged stool model’ is used, HR’s sphere of influence can be narrowed and there may be less opportunity for teams and individuals to be insight-led. The report highlights that while the main HR role is to maintain people and performance strengths, HR needs to be more integrated to the business. HR needs to speak the business language and need to have a full knowledge of it (of both internal and external factors) only in this way HR will be able to deliver deep organisational insight. Basically, HR needs to understand and fully use the ‘business savvies’: †¢understanding the business model at depth †¢generating insight from data and evidence †¢connecting with curiosity, purpose and impact †¢leading with integrity, consideration and challenge Finally, the report highlights that while the ‘Three-legged stool model’ is more appropriate for larger organisations, the ‘Business savvies’ it is appropriate for all sizes and shapes of organisation. (CIPD, 2001) BUSINESS STRATEGY AND HR STRATEGY (details in appendix 6) DATA SOURCES If the HR objective is to be integrated into the Business, it is then crucial for HR having a clear data sources, a strong competence in interpreting the information and presenting them to the business. HR can find data from internal and external sources. Examples of Internal sources in COMPANY NAME are: Employees (listening and talking to them), Focus Group, Climate Surveys, Employees Data Base, KPIs, Budget, Performance and Leadership Management System, Payroll data. Example of external sources are:  Customers’ reports, Customers’ surveys, Recruitment agency reports, CIPD Magazine, Employment law updates, Industry Magazines, Census Information, EHS Magazine. KPIs Once an organization has analysed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals: KPIs are those measurements. Key Performance Indicators KPIs, also known as Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals. (Reh, 2005) The role and use of KPIs is crucial in COMPANY NAME. Here, every month a meeting is held during which every department presents its KPIs and discusses any progressions or need to improve them. Also HR has its own KPIs which are related to: hours worked, overtime hours (to be kept at 20% maximum level) and sick days (in order to monitor long sick periods). (details in appendix 6) Performance & Leadership Management (PLM) In addition to the KPIs, COMPANY NAME has adopted a specific system in order to measure, develop, evaluate and reward people’s performance: the Performance & Leadership Management system. This system is a management process that aims to establish a transparent and a bi-lateral communication with the employees to define together how they can contribute to the organization results, if they are working effectively towards achieving the agreed objectives and finally providing them with adequate support to improve and develop. The PLM process consists in 5 main phases: 1.Objectives Setting 2. Half Year Review 3.Self – Assessment 4.Evaluation and Calibration 5.Feedback phases. The PLM cycle is annual and at the end of it, the company may decide to assign a PLM Bonus to employees. Finally, the PLM is also uses to identify Talents, employees with high level of P&L skills, able and willing to accept positions of growing responsibility. This assures continuity to the business and a draw up succession plans for all key positions (details in appendix 7) SWOT and STEEPLE In addition to KPIs and the performance measurement, HR can also collect data and plan for its strategy by using two particular technics: The SWOT analysis and the Steeple Analysis. The SWOT analysis, developed by Ansoff in 1987, it is a data capture exercise which focuses on organisations Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (for an example of SWOT analysis in COMPANY UK, see appendix 8). The STEEPLE analysis is like an audit of the external environment which is focused on the external factors than can influence the organization and affect its long-term survival. If the organization has a full understanding of the environment and all its factors, it has the possibility to take advantage from potential opportunities and minimize possible risks. Below an example of STEEPLE analysis in COMPANY NAME realised in June 2013 during a Focus Group meeting: †¢SOCIOLOGICAL: Changes in culture, Cultural Barriers, Language barriers, Lack of educated people, Lack of technical skilled people, Immigration; †¢TECHNOLOGICAL: New Payroll System, SAP System, Skype, Conference call System, Computer Software, Blackberries, Outlook; Company Intranet; †¢ECONOMIC: Financial Crisis, Recession, Globalisation, Prices, Employment rate, Unemployment Rate, Banking Crisis; †¢ENVIRONMENTAL: Carbon footprints, Sustainability Report, Sustainability Plan; †¢POLITICAL: Government changes, Pension Reform, Sector regulation, EU regulations; Local regulations; †¢LEGAL: Employment law, European Law, European Court of Justice, Local authority; †¢ETHICAL: Local Community Interest, Stakeholders Interests, Anti-corruption Law, Equal opportunities, Human rights, Promoting employees welfare, Well working environment. HOW HR CAN RESPOND TO EXTERNAL PRESSURE? As shown in the STEEPLE analysis, the Lack of technical skilled people, it was perceived as a big external risk for the business. The role of HR in facing this problem was crucial and requested lots of curiosity, research and resourcefulness. The HR department had to concentrate on a short term need, which basically was focused on finding candidates with the right skill-set for the (many) uncovered positions, but they also had to think about a long term plan able to strengthen the presence and knowledge of COMPANY NAME in the Midlands area. After some research, the HR department found out that, the lack of high qualified people in the Midland, it was due to the fact that the particular skills required were either absent in the area or the few people who have them had already a job. Therefore, HR had to concentrate on different ways to recruit candidates. They then started to: †¢Using social network to advert company positions (in order to reach people in all over the world); †¢Using Skype for first and second interview stage; †¢Increasing the use of relocation and sponsorship for candidates coming from other countries; †¢Advertising all the uncovered position internally first, this in order to give to all employees the possibility to apply personally or to propose someone they knew (Word of mouth) The long term plan to create more visibility and awareness about COMPANY NAME and its business in the Midlands was achieved by: †¢Taking part in Colleges and Universities open days – this in order to attract the future generation of engineers; †¢Use of a work experience program – open to students from technical colleges who can spend one month in one of COMPANY ’s departments; †¢Selection and sponsorship of four graduates to be sent to the COMPANY Business School in Detroit or Shanghai for three months. It is important to highlight that some of the above initiatives, in  particular the ones in recruitment, made COMPANY save money. In 2012, COMPANY spent in recruitment (using agencies)  £30,000; in 2013, the cost for recruitment (using social network and word of mouth) dropped to  £22,000 with a saving of almost the 30% in budget resource. Recently, HR had to deal with another issue coming from the external context: The Pension Reform in UK. HR was particularly involved in designing an effective communication plan in order to spread to the UK team information about the changes. The communication plan was quite a delicate step as it was not only about the legal changes but also about the COMPANY UK’ s decision to change the pension provider (moving from Legal & General to Scottish Widows) and the contributions level (starting from January 2014). The first thing HR did, it was to select two champions among the most senior and influencing employees, trained them on the reform and invite them to share the news with the team. This approach was useful to create a good feeling about the reform and all the changes related to it. Then, during the sixty day consultation period, HR organized workshops during which, financial expert from Capita, presented and explained the reform and its consequences and gave personalized advice to the employees. Finally, HR provided employees with brochure, leaflets and posters. It is important to highlight that, behind the COMPANY’s decision to change Pension provider and level of contributions (well above the minimum required by law) there was the HR idea not to use the Pension Scheme as a compensation and benefit tool anymore, but to consider it and use it as a powerful tool to retain current employees and to recruit more of them by increasing the appeal toward COMPANY UK. Finally, as a consequence of the introduction of the new scheme, in less than one month, the number of enrolled employees has almost doubled, increasing from 34 (enrolled in L&G) to 60 (in SW) on a total of 72 COMPANY UK employees. This was a great result for both the business and HR.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Does It Take to Get into the University of Massachusettsâ€Amherst?

Located in picturesque Western Massachusetts and ranked as one of the top public universities in the country, the University of Massachusetts—Amherst is known for attracting bright students who pursue rigorous research and academics. Notable alumni include Jack Welch, Catherine â€Å"Cady† Coleman, Bill Pullman, Natalie Cole, and many others. One unique facet of the university is that it participates in the Five College Interchange, which allows you to take courses at nearby colleges including Amherst, Smith, Hampshire, and Mount Holyoke. What does it take to get into Massachusetts’ flagship public university? Read on to find out. You will apply to UMass Amherst via the Common Application unless you fall into one of the following categories: Students in the above categories can find the appropriate application links here . As part of your application, you will need to submit your: * In this case, you should submit scores for the essay portions as per the university’s recommendation. UMass Amherst discourages submitting other supplementary materials. There are some special procedures for individual programs such as art and architecture. UMass Amherst requires the following high school academic work (number indicates units): College of Engineering, School of Management, and computer science major applicants must have completed an advanced math course, such as precalculus, trigonometry, or calculus. College of Engineering applicants must have taken chemistry and physics as well. Last year, UMass Amherst had a 59% admissions rate, with 41,612 applicants and 5,010 matriculating freshmen. The average combined SAT score for the class of 2021 was 1268, and the average GPA was 3.89. Keep in mind that despite the seemingly high acceptance rate, you are still facing stiff competition and will need to set yourself apart, especially if you intend to pursue a particularly rigorous program; for individual colleges and programs, such as Commonwealth Honors College, the acceptance rate is much lower. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Emphasize innovation. UMass Amherst boasts a student body of â€Å" bright, bold, unconventional thinkers.† With rigorous yet rewarding opportunities, the school promotes intellect and creative thinking. Demonstrate your leadership experience and commitment to learning through work beyond the classroom. As with most prestigious colleges, you should show extracurricular activities in your area of interest, such as independent research for science majors. Know your strengths. UMass Amherst has 11 colleges and schools for undergraduates including: You should apply to the school that is best suited to your talents and interests, not the one that has the highest admissions rate. Your application should demonstrate leadership, extracurriculars, and strengths in areas associated with the college. For example, if you apply to the college of engineering, you should have a strong math and science background and extracurriculars in those subjects as well. You will need to put down a first- and second-choice major on your application. This is not set in stone, but you will be accepted to a specific school, so it should be the one most aligned with your strengths. Also, remember to meet the minimum coursework requirements for your intended major. Have a hook . UMass Amherst emphasizes diversity. This is exemplified in Campus Pride rating the university as one of the best campuses for LGBTQ students and its status as a top school for veterans, currently serving over 400. You don’t have to be part of a minority group to be accepted to UMass Amherst, but you should have something that sets you apart. Are you a nontraditional student with a unique story to tell? Explore that in your essay. Do you have a special talent, such as playing an interesting instrument? Make sure to include any extracurriculars in which you’ve participated or honors you’ve been awarded to that end. Being denied admission to any college, particularly one of your top choices, is disappointing. Still, it’s important to take a step back and regroup. If you get rejected from UMass Amherst, here’s what you can do: Take a gap year or transfer in. If you had your heart set on UMass Amherst or received bad news from the other colleges on your list, one option is to take a gap year and reapply next admissions cycle. If you do decide to go this route, make sure you have a productive plan for the year. You might undertake a research project, volunteer, study to improve your SAT scores, or take classes at a local college. Do know, however, that this path is risky, as taking a gap year won’t ensure your acceptance the second time around. You could also begin your studies at another institution with the hopes of transferring. UMass Amherst accepted more than 1,300 transfer students in 2016, meaning acceptance isn’t out of the question. Keep it in perspective. Even if UMass Amherst was your top choice, chances are, you’ll find a way to make a college that did accept you work. College really is what you make of it, and if you put effort into adjusting to another school by joining clubs, working hard in your classes, and cultivating a social life, you’ll likely find that you can make a fulfilling college experience for yourself, even if you end up at a college that wasn’t your top choice. When you sign up for our program, we carefully pair you with the perfect admissions specialist based on your current academic and extracurricular profile and the schools in which you’re interested. Your personal application specialist will help you with branding, essays, and interviews, and provide you with support and guidance in all other aspects of the application process.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Programming MS Excel to freeze panes Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Programming MS Excel to freeze panes - Article Example The same applies to when applying to more than one column. However, to implement freezing panes on the first column, you choose the first column under the freeze submenu. After using the freeze panes, in either case, you remove by selecting unfreeze panes. The purpose of using freezing panes is to maintain your track on cells, and rows or columns of data that you feel are vital when making navigations through the worksheet. Further, it is very vital when working with an extreme number of rows and columns. It is so because irrespective of where you are scrolling, the headings will always be visible thus making it easier to relate where the data belongs. The user is said to remain in perspective with the data concerned. Freezing panes differs from the views in the database. First, freezing panes aims to keep a section of the worksheet visible i.e. keep its state constant to allow the user to relate to other parts of the worksheet especially when there are many columns and rows involved. Views, on the other hand, retrieve information from data store that meets the particular criterion. In essence, database views are more flexible (Lightstone, Teorey & Nadeau, 2007). The results it can return is custom to users needs and covers a wider scope as compared to freezing panes in Excel that has a predefined way of using it. Further, freezing panes is strictly restricted to navigation where some section is mobile while the others are constant whereas views deal with

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Marketing research - Lipton yellow tea Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing - Lipton yellow tea - Research Paper Example Through this, they saw the need of dividing the market into segments according to the different geographic location, behavior of customers and the demographic and Psychographic consumer trends (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). The company has divided the market into different segments by geographic location where each segment is determined using the geographic location of the market. This is done by looking at the nation, region, parish, city, province, and neighborhood where the segment is located. The company has also divided the market by using demographic segmentation where it has determined the market groups using factors such as the age of the consumers, the gender, family life cycle and size, consumer’s income and other factors that touch on the demographic details (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). The company has thus employed the use of multiple segmentation bases where the market has been divided into segments using various segmentation factors; by this, the company has identified smaller and better target groups (Kotler & Armstrong, 2011). Lipton yellow tea, as a company targets all individuals in working groups who have the ability and willingness to purchase their products. Working groups are potential consumers of Lipton Yellow tea. The company has also employed tactics that will help it in delivering and communicating the desired position to the targeted customers in the different

Social costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social costs - Essay Example ce, the long-term unemployed people in these countries become discouraged and exit the labor force market prematurely instead of continuing to search for the jobs that have evaded them for a long while (Junankar, 2009). This is mainly likely for the older generation who are unemployed because they take quite longer to get jobs.   Most persons in these countries who have been unemployed suffer certain erosion in their acquired job skills since they haven’t been applying them. This is apparently a much bigger social problem for the individuals who have been out of employment for a long time. The erosion is even worse for individuals with skills in specific fields which change more rapidly (Junankar, 2009). Much unemployment also involves a waste of time as well as the country’s productivity.   The most noticeable difference in social costs of unemployment in the USA and Canada is in health care. Canadas healthcare performance is of higher quality on most factors than in the USA. Additionally, healthcare attention is universal for all Canadians. In the United States, the complaint is that most people are uninsured; therefore, do not have access to most basic health care amenities which Canadians are entitled to. This creates a burden on the emergency chamber services in the States which in turn increases healthcare costs significantly (Junankar,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bridge design Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Bridge design - Coursework Example This old bridge carries gas pipelines along with phone cables which are needed to be accommodated in new design as well. Also this bridge provides a secondary path over the railway lines, thus providing an easy and safe transportation of pedestrians across the railway lines. Idea of stayed bridge was first introduced in 16th century which was then furnished to produce an engineered cable stayed bridge after Second World War. This engineered bridge was constructed in Europe to provide pedestrians with the shortest path to their destination. Cable stayed bridges are considered to be like ordinary suspension bridge as their physical appearance resemble a lot. These bridges differ from suspension bridges in a way that the suspension bridges are having two towers but cable stayed bridges make use of only a single tower to hold all the load of deck and traffic moving on the deck. In cable stayed bridges, the single tower is responsible of holding all the compressional forces acting on the bridge and tension is distributed by making use of stays. Such bridges are having specialized orthotropic decks which are furnished with continuous girders and stays for support. The analysis of such bridges is carried out by making use of linear elastic analysis. This technique is used because of the triangulated force approach used in the construction of stayed bridge. In real time applications, bridge is subjected to a number of torsional and shear forces that are being applied through the environment like, air currents, deformation of structure, load distributions etc. but currently we are not concerned with these parameters and considering only the live and dead loads. A typical suspension bridge force vector is shown below: The purpose of conducting this research is to come up with the best bridge design which is economically as well as socially feasible. Major concern is to construct a project which can be conveniently handled by the crew of county works while erecting

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Compare malcolm x and martin luther king jr Essay

Compare malcolm x and martin luther king jr - Essay Example Malcolm grew as a bright student but an incident of racial discrimination in his class made him leave the school and he shifted to Boston. His encounter with subtle racism helped develop his anti-white views later in his life. He was engaged in anti-social activities in Boston and ultimately ended up in prison. He was a representation of the struggle of black people during this time and did not have any faith in Christianity (Shabazz, Haley & X, 5). On the other hand Martin Luther King Jr. pursued the footsteps of his father and attained the position of a minister. He attained his pastorship for the first time in 1955 when he was 25 years of age. Both the personalities took part in politics and both had extraordinary power in delivering speech. However while Malcom X was a vehement preacher for the blacks and called for their organization against the white whom he blamed for all the misfortunes of America, he changed his views later and called for inclusion of whites, in contrast to his anti-white ideologies. On the other hand Luther King was a preacher of non violence who tactfully and persuasively focused on the conflicts of state interest and civic duty, being aware of the privileges obtained by the whites of Birmingham. Martin Luther King Jr. ... With a tone of peaceful persuasion, he suggests some imaginative solutions to adjust with changing times with respect to the power of hope, optimism, and nonviolence strategy and finally a dream. All these would call for brave reaction under challenging circumstances. His careful reasoning is meant to influence his audience and delivers the underlying message unfolding the conflict of civic duty and the interests of the state that exist. He explains that he was asked by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to help in the struggle for civil rights in Birmingham and this prevalence of injustice brought him there. He did not want to see his people treated unequally and as second-class citizens who have often been victims of broken promises on behalf of the state. Therefore his presence was motivated by a desire to create a continuous organization, give shape to a struggle and clear cut vision along with devising of a plan which could turn their defeats into triumphs. His fellow clergymen had asked him not to come to Birmingham, yet he was there due to the presence of injustice and he did not have the mindset to sit back and watch the demonstrations passively. Coming to Malcom X’s mode of struggle, one finds his strong involvement with the Nation of Islam after coming in contact with Elijah Muhammad’s views. He became actively involved as he became the minister of the Nation of Islam. His involvement and encounters of racial discrimination began from his early childhood itself. His position now gave him the power to raise his voice in favor of righteousness. As a prominent personality he started to present his views on white America and racial politics. His

Monday, September 23, 2019

The public-private partnerships in healthcare services in middle Dissertation

The public-private partnerships in healthcare services in middle income countries - Dissertation Example The cost of spending for drugs and treatment for diseases indicate that higher costs for drugs and treatment would mean a greater burden for both low and middle income countries. The persistent and polarizing debate on health issues experienced by most countries of the world include the significant roles and the balance needed to protect the public and the private sector in securing health services for low and middle income nations (Berendes,, 2011). Recently, the debates between the groups supporting either the public or private systems have become very passionate and heated, made worse by the 2007-2009 global economic downturn which strained government funds and private finances. The impact of such downturn on health has been particularly significant as many governments decreased allocations on health spending for their territories (Stuckler,, 2011). At one point, the International Monetary Fund also pointed out that governments needed to expand the scope of private s ectors’ coverage in health care in relation to loan conditions, as a means of decreasing government debts (Stuckler and Basu, 2009). This remedy was severely criticized, especially by Oxfam, a non-profit organization. Oxfam pointed out that in order to ensure a wider and equitable healthcare coverage, the government must serve as its main health provider (Oxfam, 2009). In response, the World Bank (2009) has expressed the importance of specific and practical remedies which would support available resources, engaging the private enterprises in countries which have poor public health and human services. The Center for Global Development also pointed out that Oxfam did not consider the informal units, especially the fact that the poor may want to seek private health services even if they are unable to afford it (Harding, 2009). The above discussion presents two sides. On one side are those who want universal and public health services access as well as those wanting the private s ector to make available care in areas where there has been failure in public services. The private sector advocates point out that the private sector is the primary provider, especially as poor patients prefer health management by private clinics (Berendes,, 2011). These advocates also indicate how the private sector may respond favourably to efficient services with the demands of market competition which must also overcome corruption and inefficiencies (Rosenthal and Newbrander, 1996). On the other side of this debate, the public sector advocates emphasize issues in accessing healthcare services caused by limits in the resources of the poor in paying for health services provided by the private sector. They have acknowledged how private markets often do not provide public health services including primary health care (Basu,, 2012). The private sector is also not coordinated in terms of public health services, elements which are important in noting trends in diseases an d in managing epidemics. Both groups point out that their critics unfairly judge them due to their ideologies (Montague,, 2009). They cite case reports in order to support such belief (Oxfam, 2009; World Bank, 2009). However, major issues may be seen for both groups especially as large private firms and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may thrive better

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Chocolate Outline Essay Example for Free

Chocolate Outline Essay Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the health benefits of chocolate Central Idea: Chocolate is one of the oldest treats around; that has some beneficial health factors to it. Introduction I. Attention-Getting a. When I was younger I would sneak a piece of dark chocolate in right before dinner†¦ Made me feel a little naughty! Of course my dad would always catch me and ask â€Å"where’s my piece? † and we’d eat it together. It was our little secret. How many of you have ever done this? To this day I still get that feeling! II. Credibility a. Chocolate has been my favorite ever since I was little and have enjoyed the different tastes, textures and health benefits behind it. III. Preview a. History of Chocolate b. Different Types of Chocolate c. Health Benefits of Chocolate Body I. History of Chocolate a. 1500 BC -400 BC Olmec Indians were first to from Cocoa Beans as Domestic Crop. Civilization only lasted 300 B. C. b. 600 AD Mayans migrate Central South America establish cocoa plantation c. 14th Century: Aztecs upper classes who usurped the Mayan drink taxed the beans drank chocolate drink, because it supposedly healed the soul. d. Aztecs restricted the drink to priests, nobles, kings, queens, officials and worriers. (showed of sign of higher class) e. 1502 Columbus entered Mayan trading channel and bring back cocoa beans to King Ferdinand ? (4th visit to New World) as it was over looked to the other treasures. f. 1519-1570 Heran Cortes a Spanish, went to Vera Cruz, Mexico and was mistaken for the god (the god who gave the Aztecs the cocoa beans and taught how to cultivate it) he conquered Aztec empire returned to King Charles V. g. Cortes kept Aztec tradition and heavily taxed the chocolate so only rich can afford it ? the chocolate drink was told to heal the soul and to keep you healthy from bad diseases. From then on chocolate became a profitable industry. II. Types of Chocolate a. White Chocolate: made of cocoa butter, sugar, milk, emulsifier, vanilla, and some other extras. No non-fat ingredients causing to have off-white shade. b. Dark Chocolate: high in cocoa solids-0% milk-12% c. Semi-Sweet Chocolate: the original dark chocolate, used for baking, 40-62 % cocoa solids, (diff is 35-45% cocoa solids) d. Bitter Sweet Chocolate: 35% cocoa solids, other varieties of it have 60-85% cocoa solids, high in cocoas, low in sugar. e. Milk Chocolate: 10% cocoa liquor/ butter/ sugar/ 12% milk, cream. III. Health Benefits of Chocolate a. California Academy of Science: Did studies on chocolate! i. Chocolate elevates your mood ii. Chocolate prevents/delays damage to cells tissues. Compounds from cacao plant (red wine, tea, fruits, and veg. ) had antioxidants that believe to prevent any damage to the body. b. USA TODAY: Reports Chocolate reduced your risk of heart attack and stroke. i. Dr. Oscar Franco’s research says chocolate reduced risk by 37 % and lowers risk of diabetes by 31% and stroke by 29% . Eat in Moderation. c. A study was done by West Virginia researcher Whelling Jesuit found that chocolate simulates the brain and can improve cognitive performance. IV. Health Risks of Chocolate a. According to the New York Times, Chocolate can disrupt sleep if you eat it right before bed-contains nine or more milligrams of caffeine. Chocolate is a stimulant and increases your heart rate. b. Can cause acne and obesity if not eating in moderation! Conclusion I. Review a. Now that your practically waiting to get your hand on chocolate- i. You’ve learned it’s sweet history. ii. The Different Types of Chocolate There Are iii. The Health Benefits Risks of Eating Chocolate II. Closing a. Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate b. What is your favorite kind of chocolate? Works Cited California Academy of Science. Terrence M. Gosliner, n. d. Web. 2013. . Facts About Chocolate. LaShelle, n. d. Web. 2013. . The Nibble. Ellen Cooper Edelman, n. d. Web. 2013. . OCONNOR, ANAHAD. Chocolate can be disruptive to sleep. The New York Times, sec. D: 5. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 2 Oct. 2013. . USA Today. Steven Reinberg, 29 Aug. 2011. Web.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Sovereignty EU Parliament

The Sovereignty EU Parliament Sovereignty of Member States (UK) after joining European Union structures – does it still exist? It is important first to address what the perception of the doctrine of supremacy is to then examine what effect membership of the European Union has had on the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament. The doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty in the UK can be traced back to the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which is considered by some as being one of the most important events in the long evolution of the respective powers of Parliament, establishing the superiority of statute over prerogative powers. Parliament’s legislative supremacy involves not only the right to change the law, but that they alone should have that right. By the sovereignty of Parliament it is meant that there are no constitutional limitations on legislative powers of ‘Parliament’: the Queen in Parliament, through which a Bill approved by the House of Commons and House of Lords receives Royal Assent and becomes an Act of Parliament. It also extends to include the concept that the courts are under an obligation to give effect to legislation passed by Parliament, and not to question Parliamentary decisions embodied in statute. Thus defined, Dicey said of Parliament, which is had ‘under the English constitution, the right to make or unmake any law whatever; and further that no person or body is recognised by the law of England as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament.’(Dicey, The Law of the Constitution 1885 p39-40). This statement by Dicey exemplifies the classic interpretation of the doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty. However, the Diceyan concept of the absolute, infinite sovereignty of Parliament is considered out of date and therefore in need of being revised. The impact of European law on the ‘sovereignty’ of Member States is one of the most controversial aspects of its working. Sovereignty is generally taken to be the capacity of a state for independent action both within and outside its own territory. That definition may be broken down into three elements. First, and most importantly in the context of international law, comes external sovereignty or the capacity of a state freely to determine its relations with other states or international organisations. A state possessing such capacity is clearly independent of other states. So, in this context, independence is a near synonym for external sovereignty. The counter part of (and necessary condition for) external sovereignty is internal sovereignty which is a state’s exclusive right and jurisdiction to establish its own internal institutions, to make the necessary arrangements for their working, to legislate for all purposes and to secure observance of such legislation. Finally territorial sovereignty is the exclusive authority which a state may exercise over anything or anybody within, above or beneath its territory. This includes the jealousy guarded right to regulate access to the air space above the territory or, for example, to seize foreign submarines which encroach within the territorial waters of a maritime country. Clearly, sovereignty as so defined cannot be absolute. All states must respect the sovereignty of others and accept limitations to their sovereignty stemming either from their interaction with other states or, for example, from treaties which they have entered into. Sovereignty is defined as the ultimate overseer or supreme authority in a state.   In a state sovereignty is vested in the institution, person, or body to impose law on everyone else and to alter any pre-existing law. The word sovereignty is also defined in another ways. Nation states are said to renounce part of their sovereignty, for example by signing a Treaty or by agreeing to an EU Directive which removes the right of decision from the national government or parliament in a particular field. Or they are said to share sovereignty by agreeing to common action though EU institutions, thus participating in decisions taken by the EU in accordance with its procedures, and no longer retaining the right to act unilaterally. In this use of sovereignty it virtually means the same as freedom to decide unilaterally. Before analyzing sovereignty of UK after joining the EU, it is important to outline the reasoning for the supremacy of Community Law from the Community point of view, and then a definition of Parliamentary sovereignty will be given. To summarise the Community view on supremacy according to the Court of Justice is that Community law, because of its unique nature, denies the Member States the right to resolve conflicts of law by reference to their own rules or constitutional provisions. Community law obtains its supremacy because of the transfer of state power and sovereignty to the Community by the Member States in those areas agreed. Furthermore, the Member States have provided the Community with legislative powers to enable it to perform its tasks. There would be no point in such a transfer of powers if the Member States could annul or suspend the effect of Community law by later national law or provisions of the constitutions. If that were allowed to be the case, the existence of t he Community legal order and the Community itself would be called into question. A precondition of the existence and functioning of the Community is the uniform and consistent application of Community law and the Community legal order in all the Member States. It can only achieve such an effect if it takes precedence over national law. Therefore the legal and logical consequence of this is that any provision of national law which conflicts with Community law must be invalid. Now that the supremacy of the Community has been considered, Parliamentary sovereignty must now be considered. Basically, in terms of dicey, the doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty means that there are no legal limitations of Parliament and it has the right to make or unmake any law whatsoever. Further, no person or body is recognised as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament. The doctrine also implies that it is impossible to bind future Parliaments. Any subsequent Act expressly or impliedly overrides a prior Act and even international treaties can be expressly overridden by municipal. The UK’s membership of the European Union produces difficult questions of competing supremacies of Parliament and the primacy of EU law. Britain’s accession to the European Economic Community on 1st January 1973, was described by Anthony King as having â€Å"profound constitutional consequences†. (Does the United Kingdom Still Have a Constitution? 2001 p54) Britain’s application for membership was made in 1967, the Treaty of Accession signed on 22nd January 1972 and this was implemented by the European Communities Act 1972. The basis of this Act was a white paper published by the Labour government in 1967, intended to address the constitutional implications of membership of the EC. The paper pointed out that the effect of the UK adhering in advance to future instruments imposed by the Community institutions had no precedent in this country, and would result in a ‘constitutional innovation’. Whether this innovation could be successfully impleme nted was never resolved before the introduction of the 1972 Act. Many have said since our membership in 1973 that our sovereignty has been said to be handed over to the EU. The issues surrounding sovereignty in the UK system are affected by Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU). The laws of the EU are binding on all member states, and therefore, take precedence over British domestic law. Apart from a few exceptions, EU legislation automatically becomes law within the UK, irrespective of the opinion of the British Parliament. Although this is the case, parliament could agree to repeal previous legislation, withdraw from the EU to demonstrate that parliamentary sovereignty still exists. Therefore this leads to the argument that Britain has kept its sovereignty with the fact that it could pass an Act to, â€Å"renounce the Treaty, or would that be an illegal act of rebellion?† (Norman Tebbit Nov. 1998) However, I believe this to be unlikely unless one of the mainstream political parties were to adopt a strong anti-EU policy. T he 1986 Single European Act and the Maastrict Treaty can be seen as reducing Britain’s sovereignty since they have extended the range of policy areas on which the EU can legislate. This has caused many British Conservative members of the European Parliament to continually vote against many proposals, not because they necessarily disagree with them, but that they think they should be dealt with at a national level. Upon Britain’s accession to the EU in 1973, direct effect was accepted by us pretty much immediately. However this was completely opposite when it came to the United Kingdom accepting the supremacy of EU law. This was seen to be a problem because the doctrine conflicts centrally with the concept of having British constitution of ‘parliamentary sovereignty.’ The acts of parliament override all existing law or legislation. However in 1990 the House of Lords found a way to reconcile British parliamentary sovereignty and supremacy. As on a reference from the House of Lords, the European Court of Justice ruled that a 1988 act of British parliament was in breach of EU law. â€Å"The House of Lords accepted the judgement on the grounds that in passing the 1972 act of accession to the EU, British parliament had voluntarily accepted the EU legal system of which the supremacy of EU law is a central part. The House of Lords also argued that this does not compromise parliamentary sovereignty, as a future British parliament could repeal this act of accession.† (The political system of the European Union, Simon Hix, Macmillan Press, London, page 117) Britain’s entry into the European Treatys has attracted huge reform, as British Parliament must legislate in conjunction with EU law. And Acts and Laws already in existence must be interpreted to conform to EU Law, and the State has to ensure that all EU law is transposed and implemented accurately. This puts a huge strain on the Courts whilst ruling, thus making a mockery of Precedent as any case incorporating EU legislation can only be considered using the purposive approach, in order that EU directive can be met. So then this means that Britain has not in fact reserved its sovereignty as promised when first mentioned to the public all those years before. To understand the concept, we first need to acknowledge the unwritten code of the constitution and its efforts to ensure that Parliament is the executive law producing body of the land. And so, any Act of Parliaments will need to be adhered to directly by the applicable national court. In the case of Regina v Secretary of State for Transport, ex parte Factortame it is easy to see the ingratiating manoeuvres of The House of Lords as it bows to supremacy of EU law.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Biography Of Nataniel Hawthorne :: essays research papers fc

Born in Salem, Mass, Nathaniel Hawthorne was a descendant of a judge in the Salem witch trials. He spent a solitary, bookish childhood with his widowed and antisocial mother. After graduating from Bowdoin College, he returned to Salem and prepared for a writing career with 12 years of solitary study and writing interrupted by summer tours through the Northeast. After privately publishing a novel, Fanshawe in 1828, he began publishing stories in the Token and New England Magazine. These original allegories of New England Puritanism, including such classic stories as "The Minister's Black Veil," were collected in, Twice-Told Tales, published in 1837. A brief period of paid employment, including the compilation of popular children's works and a stint at the Boston Custom House from 1839-to 1841, was followed by a half-year's residence at the transcendentalist community, Brook Farm. In 1842 he married Sophia Amelia Peabody, also a transcendentalist, and they moved to Concord, Mass., where he began a friendship with Henry David Thoreau. Financial problems forced his return to Salem from 1845 to 1849, where he secured another political appointment, this time as surveyor of the port of Salem. During these years he continued to publish Puritan tales such as, "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Birthmark"; collections of his stories included Mosses from an Old Manse published in 1846 and The Snow Image published in1851. His dismissal from the surveyorship initiated the brief period of his greatest novels: The Scarlet Letter in 1850, The House of the Seven Gables in 1851, and The Blithdale Romance in 1852. He also wrote two children's classics: A Wonder-Book in 1852 and Tanglewood Tales in 1853. His campaign biography of Franklin Pierce in 1852 was rewarded with the U.S. counsulship at Liverpool 1853 to 1858. He then went to live in Italy in 1858 to 1859, where he began The Marble Faun, which he published after returning to the United States in 1860. Back in Concord, he published his last major work, Our Old Home in 1863, which drew on his experiences in England, but by then he was becoming ill and disillusioned. Nathaniel Hawthorne was an average man who saw things, not necessarily in a different way, but in a different light. He was able to use this ability and transform it onto paper. He would begin to write and slowly but almost definitely become emotionally involved by the end of the novel or short story.

Concealing Dalkey Hill: Evasion and Parallax in Nausicaa Essay

Concealing Dalkey Hill: Evasion and Parallax in Nausicaa T.S. Eliot declared that Ulysses was a masterpiece because it demonstrated the futility of all prior literary styles. Indeed, the episodes of "Oxen of the Sun" and "Aeolus" could be taken as challenging primers on English style and rhetoric. This kaleidoscopic potential is seemingly reduced to a stark black-and-white vision in "Nausicaa." As many critics have pointed out, Joyce stylizes Gerty MacDowell's half of the narrative with a saccharine veneer which euphemizes her sexual encounter (itself a distanced and euphemized rendezvous) with Bloom. The first-time reader and seasoned critics alike are led into sneering at Gerty behind the safety of the author's overt critique of her superficiality; only when Joyce reveals the psychological origin of her constant evasion - her lame leg, a condition which is only hinted at until Bloom notices it post-climax - are the first seeds of pity sown in the reader's mind. The audience's appreciation of Gerty's "defect" grows "ten times worse" (301) in light of Bloom's uncharacteristically cavalier and scurrilous attitude towards a fellow outsider in which he, too, is guilty of his own brand of sexual evasion. As the reader implicitly identifies Bloom's rather heartless outlook with his own, he compensates for his initial condemnation of Gerty's character by sentimentalizing her with a Dickensian gloss - and thus is held as culpable of evasion as the episode's heroine and hero. Joyce's manipulation of his audience's expectations is never deployed through explicit moralizing but through his parallactic style (a concept distinct from the stylistic cornucopia present elsewhere in the novel), a shifting mode through which he questions t... ...ernan's, he reminds himself of the necessity for perspectival inclusion: "Mistake to hit back. Or? No. Ought to go home and laugh at themselves. Always want to be swilling in company. Afraid to be alone like a child of two. Suppose he hit me. Look at it other way round. Not so bad then. Perhaps not to hurt he meant. Three cheers for Israel." (311) Bloom's mollification of the Citizen's undoubtedly hostile remark may spring from either cowardice or his underlying sense of humanity, depending on how one takes it. And that parallactic means of interpretation is what "Nausicaa" requires - not only for interpreting the text, but for interpreting our interpretation. We, after all, are the ultimate voyeurs in an episode of purely visual interaction. To commit our literary resources to uncovering the work alone, and not ourselves, is yet another instrument of evasion.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Washington History :: essays research papers

Assignment #1 Question #1 A) How is a region defined?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A region can be defined by its’ geography, industry, or culture. For example the Bible belt is a cultural region; Silicon Valley is an industrial region, and the Plains States form a region defined by the geography and agriculture both. B) What Unifying forces define the Northwest?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The region of the Pacific Northwest is defined as a Hinterland replete with a wide array of natural resources. The treasures found in the natural beauty of the Northwest’s pristine waterways, ample valleys, and lush mountain forests define the region. No other region in the United States can compare with the beauty and majesty of the Pacific Northwest. It stands alone as having one of the most varied and rich landscapes in the country. Thus allowing an independent, confined, and truly original culture to emerge. Question #2  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is the size and distribution of the population of the Northwest?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pacific Northwest region is lightly populated with the majority of the residents located in a few key areas. The main population centers of thirty thousand or more pertaining to Washington are the Puget Sound area, and Spokane. In Oregon it is the Willamette Valley from Portland to Eugene and Medford where the population centers are located. Idaho, while being much more rural then Washington and Oregon, does have clusters of more highly populated areas in select geographic areas, such as Boise and Pocatello. All of Idaho’s major urban areas are located on or around the Snake River. Taking the time to really study the location of cites in relation to surrounding geographic areas one gets a good look into the minds of the first settlers and even the native inhabitants. Larger urban centers are usually located on or near waterways; all were and still are very reliable sources of food, water, and trade. One example of this statement is shown in today's Vanc ouver, Washington, which was first settled on the Columbia River. Question #3  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Discuss the natural setting of the Northwest   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Pacific Northwest is rich in culture and beauty. What gives this land its beauty, so much so that the region is know the world over? Maybe it is the giant snake of concrete known as Interstate-5? Could it be the snow crowned Peaks of the cascades? Or is it the glistening monoliths of glass that tear at the cloud filled sky above the Emerald City of Seattle? The Sun bathed beaches of the San Juan Islands?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Last two hundred years Essay

The 19th and 20th centuries are very rich about inventions that changed our lives. The automobile is one of those inventions changed people’s lives. Short after its invention automobile became a necessity in daily life more than being luxury or a symbol of nobility. Today the numbers of cars are close to half of earth’s population. Almost every family in developed countries owns a car. The automobile has had the greatest effects on our lives in last two hundred years because it is a necessity, it has an important effect on the world economy and it affects our lives directly. There are some reasons why automobiles become a necessity in today’s life which of those reasons are being the cheapest, fastest and easiest way to travel when compared against other inventions like planes, ships or trains. Before the invention of automobiles humanity used to travel with domestic animals, which cause more expanses than, cars do in today’s conditions. A traveler has to pay great amounts of money to travel from one town to another to the animals’ owner also if someone owns his own animal it will probably costs much more because he has to feed and look after that animal. Even today when compared against planes, ships or trains; the automobile is still the cheapest way to travel. The automobile is also the fastest way to travel when compared to old traveling methods. For example horse back riding from France to Germany will take months while driving the same distance with a car will take a day or less. The last important thing that made automobile a necessity is it’s being the easiest way of traveling and transportation. Traveling with automobiles gives people freedom of going wherever they want; only thing they have to do is to have wish of going and the money to afford an automobile’s expanses. The automobile gives a freedom of traveling which other traveling methods do not offer. Trains are limited with the rails whereas planes are also limited with aerostations but cars can reach everywhere roads reach and even far. Today automobile is a necessity like sleeping or eating. The busses people go their work with, the lorries that people transport their goods, the ambulances that saves people’s lives and lots uncountable more examples there are which shows us how necessary automobiles are. As a result a necessity is something that affects people’s lives deeply. Without cars it will be impossible to the things we do in daily life like traveling, transporti ng and reaching. Another important point that makes the automobile effect on people’s life is its effect on world economy with the automobile industry and its subsidiary industries like car accessories. Today almost every developed country’s economy is based on the automobile industry while developing countries depend on the automobile industry also. A large rate of world trade is about automobiles. For instance there are big car companies in both Europe and USA that has big factories in which millions of people work. This causes a great income for the world economy and keeps it running. Because economies depend on and based on the automobile, people’s lives are depended on automobile and this is why this invention affects human’s lives too much. Peoples are depended on the automobile economically because lots of people’s job involves cars, lorries, trucks or buses and also lot of people’s job is to produce vehicle. For those reasons the automobile affects peoples lives too much as an economic support, it is what people earn their lives from. The last and the most important reason why the automobile affect people’s lives are because it affects their lives with its side effects like; pollution, accidents, transportation and automobile based lifestyles. All kinds of automobiles are based on the same principle, which is the creation of energy by using petrol and its side products. As a result automobiles produce harmful gases and release them through the air people breathe. Automobiles pollute the air and are a danger for all living creatures with the air pollution it causes. In addition to air pollution automobile also causes sound pollution with the sound of horns and motors, which depress people and create negative social effects on them. Because automobile is the fastest way to achieve somewhere, the wrong use of it causes accidents resulting with injuries or even deaths. As a result deaths and injuries cause incorrigible social effects like depression and suicide because it affects people negatively. With the automobile, transportation becomes easier and more common. That created an enormous effect on trade, which also means an enormous effect on people’s lives because it affects economy with this way, which means an affect on the way people, earns their lives. The last direct effect the automobile created on people’s lives is that some lives are based on the automobile passion. For example car and motor racers,  Harley Davidson cycles collectors, Chevrolet fans and lots more. Because of those reasons the automobile is a piece of people’s lives that affects them directly with a lot of reasons. In conclusion the automobile has had the greatest effect on people’s lives because it become a piece of their life with its usage and effects. It is the invention that gave man freedom of traveling wherever he wants, it changed his life and it is a necessity of life for him. In today’s world cars save people’s time, power and even lives. The automobiles allow people to reach places quickly, lorries, trucks carry their goods and finally ambulances save lives. All those create enormous effects on people’s lives.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Database Needs for Early Learning Programs Essay

The Outcomes and Targets for the recently passed Families and Education Levy are very high. At the heart of the levy is accountability and using data in timely ways to improve annual outcomes. In the realm of Early Learning the dollars will double and the number of children and professional staff served will increase dramatically. The need for reliable, accessible data is great. An HSD IT web based data system (ELNIS) was created in 2006 for the previous levy. It was deployed in the summer of 2007 and began to be used in the 2007-2008 school year. Hosted by the state of Washington, it is accessible to each agency under contract with the city through a city purchased computer and digital certificate. Help desk support and training are also provided by the city. In 2009 the state ECEAP program substantially changed its enrollment form. ELNIS no longer matches the data elements required by the state. It was decided, because the change came so late in the year, that it was not feasible to make the changes in ELNIS. For the 2009-10 and 2010-11 school years the data has been out of sync with enrollment forms for ECEAP. ELNIS was designed in 2005 with the hope of having a single early learning data base for ECEAP, Step Ahead, and Child Care Subsidy. This proved to be unfeasible given the time constraints and limited resources available to accomplish the task. Children are entered into multiple data bases that do not connect with each other, but all ECEAP children are also in ELNIS. In 2010 Creative Curriculum substantially change the child assessment tool, such that in the final year of the levy 2010-2011 the child assessment data is no longer uploaded into ELNIS. Again it was decided not to reconfigure ELNIS to match the changes in the assessments because of time and cost, until the new levy passed. The OFE monthly report drives the immediate need for data. Each month OFE requires a data set of demographics, attendance and assessment data be delivered on the last day month following the month reported. In the MOA each year between OFE and HSD the data elements are negotiated. The data reporting required for early learning in 2010-2011 is on pages 5 – 8 of this report. These will still form a substantial part of the required data, but there will be additional items and number of records will increase substantially. Further, each year an analysis is completed by the data and evaluation strategic advisor in August/September for the previous school year. The data is used to help managers and education specialists to improve the performance of the agencies in the next school year. This process begins by creating a large data set of assessments matched to each child who has been served. The early vision was that the data would be stored in ELNIS and download for use in evaluations ready to be reported or analyzed. ELNIS is capable of containing the demographic data (although it no longer matches the data collected for ECEAP families) for each child, the agency, site and classroom data, and the ECERS assessment. It can no longer upload the Embedded Child Profile Assessment data, the PPVT- 4 child data, nor any data about professional development. All of this data must be managed separately in Excel spreadsheets and appended to the download from ELNIS. Increased needs for data and new data elements The new levy includes six components of which are three are new and three are expanded: †¢Professional Development †¢Family Engagement and Outreach †¢Preschool †¢Kindergarten Transition †¢Home Visiting Program †¢Health and Mental Health Support for Children The new required elements for reporting are expected to include the following indicators of progress toward the outcomes: †¢Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) – Caregivers/Adults will demonstrate increased positive behavior on the Parent and Child Together tool (PACT). †¢PCHP – Children will meet standard on the Child Behavior Traits (CBT) and the Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL). †¢Family Friend and Neighbor’s (FFN†S) Care Providers – Caregivers/Adults will demonstrate increased positive behavior on the Parent and Child Together tool (PACT). †¢Step Ahead Preschool Programs – Children enrolled will meet the Standard Score and/or make gains on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4 (PPVT-4) of Receptive English by the end of the preschool year. †¢Step Ahead Preschool serving children who are English Language Learners: Children will make statistically significant gains in English Language Acquisition at the end of the preschool year on the PPVT-4. †¢Step Ahead Preschool – Children will meet age level expectations at the end of the preschool year on Teaching Strategies Gold Child (TSG) assessment. †¢Children served by Step Ahead and SEEC and enrolled in full-day kindergarten – Children will meet the age-level expectations on Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) . †¢SEEC Pre-K – Classrooms will meet the Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) standard at the end of the program year. †¢SEEC Pre-K – Teachers will meet standard on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) at the end of the program year. †¢Children enrolled in Step Ahead pre-K program will have fewer than 5 absences per semester. †¢Children served by a Step Ahead Preschool will be assessed at level 2 or higher on the district English assessment test at the beginning of Kindergarten. †¢Number of early learning and child care settings receiving targeted consultation or training. †¢% of children who enroll in kindergarten on time. †¢% of children enrolled in full day kindergarten. †¢% of children who attend 90% of school days. †¢% of children who meet the birth to 3-year indicator for health (TBD). †¢% of 4 year olds who meet standard on the curriculum embedded assessment in preschool. Early Learning Health †¢Number of early learning and child care settings and providers receiving targeted consultation or training. †¢Number of children in early learning and child care settings receiving developmental assessments. †¢Number of children in early learning and child care referred for mental health therapy and/or medical follow-up. †¢Number of low-income families linked to a health care home, Medicaid coverage, and/or other health care resources. Assessment Tools used to provide outcome and indicator data Formative Assessments †¢Child: Teaching Strategies Gold (administered fall, winter and spring of the pre-k year) †¢Classroom: Curriculum-embedded classroom checklist (administered annually) †¢CLASS: Annual voluntary observation of pre-k and kindergarten- 3rd grade teachers to measure teacher effectiveness. Summative Assessments †¢Child – PPVT-4 (administered fall and spring of pre-k ) †¢Child – WaKIDS ( administered fall and spring of kindergarten) †¢Classroom – ECERS ( administered annually) Performance Payment with OFE will likely include these Outcomes (indicators) 2010-11 Indicator BaselinesNumber of Students Meeting IndicatorPercent of Students Meeting Indicator Families demonstrating increased positive behavior on the PACT and the CBT 35/4283. 3% Children making gains in the Standard Score from the fall pre-PPVT to the spring post-PPVT 657/93570. 3% Children with a minimum of two assessments meeting age-level expectations on Teaching Strategies Gold397/546 73. 0% Children are in classrooms meeting an ECERS standard of 5 in each subscale or an average of 6 in all subscales. 397/636 62. 4% Indicator Targets2010-20112012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-19 Families demonstrating increased positive behavior on the PACT and the CBT 83. 3% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% Children making gains in the Standard Score from the fall pre-PPVT to the spring post-PPVT 70. 3% 73% 76% 80% 83% 86% 89% 90% Children with a minimum of two assessments meeting age-level expectations on Teaching Strategies Gold 73. 0% 75% 78% 81% 84% 87% 89% 90% Children are in classrooms meeting an ECERS standard of 4 in each subscale or an average of 6 in all subscales. 62. 4% 67% 71% 76% 80% 85% 89% 90% Conclusions: ELNIS as currently configured will not meet the needs of the Early Learning System to report data to the funder, to use data for improving outcomes, or to manage data for contract payment purposes and monitoring. Either work needs to begin ASAP on reconfiguring ELNIS or a new data system needs to be created or purchased. Options include an HSD IT build or a purchase of a configurable off the shelf software system, such as Adsystech or ETO. Data will need to begin being reported to OFE in the fall of 2012, eight months from now. What options exist for meeting this need? What resources are available? What planning team should be assembled? Data Set currently required to be reported by OFE (2010-2011) SEEC Early Learning – Pre-K Source: HSD (monthly) Data ElementData TypeNotes YearNumericThe year of the period that the data is reported for. e. g. 2006 for reporting period December 2006. MonthNumericThe month of the period that the data is reported for. e. g. 12 for reporting period December 2006 Child HSD IDNumeric1 = English 2 = Other than English 3 = English and another language 4 = not reported Student IDNumericEnter SPS Student ID after child is enrolled in Kindergarten Ethnicity CodeChar 25 categories from SPS Child’s Home LanguageNumeric Gender CodeChar 1 SEEC Agency CodeChar 4Corresponds with Agency name look-up table SEEC Site CodeChar 4Corresponds with classroom site look-up table SEEC Classroom Code Char 7Corresponds with classroom look-up table. SEEC StatusNumeric1 = Step-Ahead Pre-K 2 = Step Ahead Match SEEC TierNumericTier I – Step Ahead, Tiny Tots, Refugee Women’s Alliance, and Jose Marti Tier II – Denise Louie Education Center/Head Start Tier III – Non-Step Ahead Early Childhood Education and Assistance Programs (ECEAP) , Neighborhood House Head Start Tier IV – Comprehensive Child Care Program (CCCP), other Head Start Programs in the City of Seattle Days in Pre-K ProgramNumeric/NullTotal number of days the student has participated in the Pre-K program during the month. ECERS Average Subscale Scores and average totalNumericRange 1-7 ECERS – Met StandardYes/No/Null ECERS average score of 4 across all 7 elements Classroom Quality StandardYes/No/NullClassroom met quality standards Classroom LevelNumeric/NullClassroom score based on years of experience and training 1st Child Assessment – Social/Emotional DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 1st Child Assessment – Physical DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 1st Child Assessment – Cognitive DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 1st Child Assessment – Language DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 1st Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 2nd Child Assessment – Social/Emotional DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR 2nd Child Assessment – Physical DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment. or High/Scope COR 2nd Child Assessment. Cognitive DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 2nd Child Assessment – Language DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 2nd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 3rd Child Assessment – Social/Emotional DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 3rd Child Assessment – Physical DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. 3rd Child Assessment. Cognitive DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment. 3rd Child Assessment – Language DevelopmentNumeric/NullStudent’s level from the 3rd Creative Curriculum child assessment or High/Scope COR. Formative Assessment – ChildYes/No/NullChild met the standard in the final embedded assessment as adopted by the SEEC assessment workgroup. PCHPYes/No/NullParticipated in Parent-Child Home Program. SEEC Early Learning – Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition PPVT Source: HSD (twice yearly) Data ElementData TypeNotes Child HSD IDNumeric. Child AgeXX-XXChild’s age at time of test in years and months 1st assessment – standard scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s standard score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. 1st assessment – raw scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s raw score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – grade equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s grade equivalent score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – age equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s age equivalent score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – growth scale valueNumeric/NullStudent’s growth scale value from the 1st Peabody Picture. Vocabulary Test 1st assessment – percentile scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s percentile score from the 1st Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – standard scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s standard score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. 2nd assessment – raw scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s raw score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – grade equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s grade equivalent score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – age equivalent scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s age equivalent score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – growth scale valueNumeric/NullStudent’s growth scale value from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test 2nd assessment – percentile scoreNumeric/NullStudent’s percentile score from the 2nd Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. SEEC Early Learning – ECERS Source: HSD (twice yearly) Data ElementData TypeNotes SEEC Classroom Code Char 7Corresponds with classroom look-up table  1st ECERS score – Space and FurnishingsNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Personal Care RoutinesNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Language and Reasoning Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Activities Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Interaction Numeric/ NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Program StructureNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS score – Parents and StaffNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 1st ECERS cumulative classroom scoreNumeric/NullAverage score across all subscales 2nd ECERS Score – Space and FurnishingsNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Personal Care RoutinesNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Language and Reasoning Numeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score. – ActivitiesNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – InteractionNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Program StructureNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS Score – Parents and StaffNumeric/NullAverage score for subscale 2nd ECERS cumulative classroom scoreNumeric/NullAverage score across all subscales. Early Learning – Parent-Child Home Program Source: HSD (twice yearly) Data ElementData TypeNotes YearNumericThe year of the period that the data is reported for, e. g. , 2006 for reporting period December 2006. MonthNumericThe month of the period that the data is reported for, e. g. , 12 for reporting period December 2006. Child HSD IDNumeric Student IDNumericEnter SPS Student ID after child is enrolled in Kindergarten Ethnicity CodeChar 25 categories from SPS, Other, Bi-Racial/Multi Racial Gender CodeChar 1 AgeNumeric In Parent-Child Home Visitor ProgramYes/NoStudent has participated in the Parent-Child Home Visitor Program during the month. Parent-Child Home Visitor Program – Provider CodeNumeric292 = Atlantic Street Center 304 = Neighborhood House at Rainier Vista 305 = Neighborhood House at New Holly 310 = Southwest Youth and Family Services Parent-Child Home Visitor Program – Total Number of VisitsNumeric/NullCumulative number of visits during the month. 1st Child Behavior Traits (CBT) Assessment – Cooperation with Adults Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 1st CBT Assessment – Attention to Task Domain. Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 1st CBT Assessment – Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Tasks Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior. 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 2nd CBT Assessment – Cooperation with Adults DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 2nd CBT Assessment – Attention to Task DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4. 2nd CBT Assessment – Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Tasks DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd CBT Assessment – Cooperation with Adults DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd CBT Assessment – Attention to Task DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd CBT Assessment – Engagement in Developmentally Appropriate Tasks DomainNumeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 1st Parent and Child Together (PACT) Assessment – Parent-Child Interactions Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 1st PACT Assessment -Positive Parenting Behavior Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4: average score for items that make up the domain shown at left 1. Does not exhibit this behavior 2. Sometimes exhibits this behavior 3. Most of the time exhibits this behavior 4. Always exhibits this behavior 2nd PACT Assessment – Parent-Child Interactions Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 2nd PACT Assessment – Positive Parenting Behavior Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd PACT Assessment – Parent-Child Interactions Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4 3rd PACT Assessment – Positive Parenting Behavior Domain Numeric/NullScore ranges 1-4. 1st Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL) Assessment – Language ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-20 (5 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 1st TROLL Assessment – Reading ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-20 (5 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 1st TROLL Assessment – Print Concept ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-12 (3 items with maximum of 4 points for each item). 2nd TROLL Assessment – Language ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-20 (5 items with maximum of 4 points for each item) 2nd TROLL Assessment – Reading ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-33 (8 items with maximum of 4 points for each item; one Yes/No item scored 1/0 ) 2nd TROLL Assessment – Print Concept ScoreNumeric/NullScore ranges 0-28 (7 items with maximum of 4 points for each item).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Film/novel “True Grit” Essay

Out in a middle of nowhere, a man rides a horse in haste as if it were chasing after something. This is the common image of the cowboy that we have all become familiar with. In fact, it is next to impossible not to recognize the image of the cowboy because it is so powerful in pop cultural myths. It is interesting to examine the myth and image of the cowboy in a comparison of the legendary film/novel â€Å"True Grit† and the unique paintings of Remington Remington. A sparse description is the hallmark of the style of Remington’s usage of blurry touches and specific colors on the painting as seen in â€Å"against the sunset† which portrays a man’s masculinity in the form of a mythical hero figure of west. In the previously mentioned painting, Remington emphasized a man’s masculinity by using the environment of the painting. There is nothing in the frame besides the land and many small bushes. Although these bushes are small as a group they seem like an obstacle for a man. Moreover, their dark colors emit a negative image and even evoke threatening obstructions for a challenger. However, as a man, he seems to be not hesitating to face challenges in front him, but rather to keep going forward even faster. Although it seems like sun is setting, a man still rides a horse and never looks down in twilight. Just like Mattie he must be not â€Å"scared of the dark† (True Grit 60). Also it seems like the unknown man’s image is similar to my opinion of LaBoeuf from â€Å"True Grit†. The unknown man is â€Å"wearing two revolvers† (True Grit 67) just like LaBoeuf. Also, his â€Å"belt [is] thick and wide and bedecked with cartridges† (True Grit 67). Additionally, his appearance matches with LaBoeuf although his face is blurry on the painting. Also he looks like he is â€Å"around thirty years of age† (True Grit 67). There are other similarities, In the novel â€Å"True Grit†, though LaBoeuf was not as good at shooting as Rooster, he did not fear chasing a criminal in Unknown Territory which can be very dangerous for strangers. Also, at the novel’s conclusion, he sacrifices himself for â€Å"little sister Mattie† proving that he is also a man with â€Å"true grit†. As a result, LaBoeuf-like image evokes an essence similar to the unknown man’s masculinity. On the other hand, â€Å"against the sunset† gives an image of changes through its back ground color and empty surroundings. The unknown man seems almost lonely in the painting with no buildings or people around. However, â€Å"An area of free land† (Turner 199) portrays this image of the west during the nineteenth century which was a period of sudden change. By the time when Eastern part of the United States became industrialized, the west still remained a wilderness. However, many people started to immigrate west because the west was the land of opportunity. Therefore, many immigrants and migrants were â€Å"compelled to adapt themselves to the changes†¦ involved in crossing a continent, in defeating a wilderness and in [developing the newly expanded territory] out of the primitive economic and political conditions of the frontier into the complexity of city life† (Turner 199). As Turner said, developing caused many changes in the west including economic status, surroundings, and political view. Now, the portrait â€Å"Sunset† makes distinguishable the day and the night. As sun goes down and the whole colors of surrounding changes. Shadow gets shorter and shorter and by the time the sun sets, it disappears. As visible in Remington’s piece, the background color remains very bright and looks like a strange mix of yellow and orange. It must be right when sun set started. However, if the artist was intended to capture one additional, the image would turn out to be whole different color. Also, it already seems to appear darker because the edges of painting depict themselves darker than the middle. Also, although it is not shown in the painting completely, we can imagine that soon the twilight will be gone. â€Å"Against the sunset† also evokes an image of mythical hero figure by cowboy-like dressed man. It is ironic that even though cowboy does not maintain a particular status and never was what is considered a â€Å"cowboy† by their stereotyped and commonly depicted appearance. Of course, what is real and what we expect are clearly not the same item, but it does not matter. What does matter is that our expectations in the image we have are met (that is, the cowboy wears a cowboy hat and not a derby) and that the character is presented in slightly dissimilar manner as well so that we are not treated to everything we expect. In other words, there must be some deviations and subtle if not outright differences present so we experience something new enough to pique our interested while staying within the framework of our expectations of the genre. For example, Rooster, the narrator from â€Å"True Grit†, never said that he is a cowboy, but we categorize him as a cowboy anyway. He is old, but tall, big, â€Å"one-eyed† man, and â€Å"wear[s]† a dusty black suit of clothes (True Grit 40). It is not described in the book in a detail, but it is clear in the movie that he wears cowboy hats and carries big rifles with him. Just as people categorize native Indians by skin color and appearance, cowboys are categorized by their way of dress, their status and masculinity. In a manner similar to Rooster, the Unknown Man seems to be a â€Å"cowboy† because he wears cowboy hat, leather vest, and dusty pants. By the mere fact that the Unknown Man looks like cowboy makes him very powerful because from the media and books we have always receive impression that cowboys symbolize justice, machism and a heroism. In a way, the novel â€Å"True Grit† portrays Rooster as a super hero who is not a mere human. When Rooster meets Lucky Ned Pepper’s gang, he faces a crisis because it was a showdown between him alone versus three relatively young men. However, by way of a miracle, Rooster stays alive and manages to kill all three of the other men. This determines Rooster’s character as a super hero because in reality such melodrama could never actually happen. (It is more akin to a RAMBO film than a serious treatise on life in the old west) This is similar in how the way of dress makes the Unknown Man’s image similar to the super hero Rooster. From this connection, we provide the Unknown Man with many known traits that we have come to expect from a cowboy. These expectations are overwhelming and they create an image that transfers our positive images from one source (cowboy films, novels, etc) to the portrait. In a way the portrait â€Å"air lifts† imagery from another area that is already established as having certain positive traits. The cowboy image is powerful enough to do this because the cowboy is a character that is the essence of independence and the American spirit. It is a difficult thing to depart from the collective and live the life of the individual. This is what the cowboy does and he gains massive respect and an eternal mythos because of it. The cowboy is a complex individual and this complexity manifests itself in different mediums that borrow from the cowboy’s rich history. This mythos of the cowboy can be seen in novels/films such as â€Å"True Grit† and in the amazing portraits of Remington. The mythos becomes even more interesting when one looks at the mythos and compares it to the portraits and â€Å"True Grit. † From this examination, we learn the mythos is more powerful than we ever imagined.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Advertisements: Create Articial Needs Essay

* Advertisement introduction * Disadvantages of advertisements * How are dey harmful? With respect to dffrnt walks of lyf? * Examples justifying this motion * Conclusion * Whole debate conclusion. Advertising a product is the medium of introducing to customers, therby increasing the product sales. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy that we really do not need which is actuliee true for a larger extent. I agree with the topic that due to advertisements most of the time people are encouraged to buy things they really do not need. And it creates artificial needs. Advertising or advertizing is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. Some advertisers cleverly create a misleading impressions of their goods. They present a very rosy picture of their products, before the consumers with the object of increasing their sales. See more:Â  Manifest Destiny essay Advertising manipulates us to buy things we don’t need by playing on our emotions. It creates artificial needs. Sometimes they create confusion in the minds of people which brand of the product to buy. This is why The content of advertising has long been subjected to much criticism. With the advertisement of proucts on cigarettes, alcoholic products, poeple are tempted buy them, which will harm their health.